
WJP Inaugural Anti-Corruption Commissions Symposium - 한국의 반부패 정책 소개

forget-me-not 2017. 7. 22. 12:34

WJP Inaugural Anti-Corruption Commissions Symposium

10 July 2017, The Hague








세계사법정의프로젝트(WJP, World Justice Project) 주관 World Justice Forum V가 7.10(월)~7.13(목)까지 네덜란드 헤이그에서 열렸습니다.







아젠다들이 엄청나게 많죠? 



국민권익위원회는 7.10(월) 오전에 WJP 관계자와의 회의를 마치고 오후에 열렸던 WJP Inaugural Anti-Corruption Commissions Symposium에 참석하였는데요.


한국에서 WJP 관계자 면담 일정을 논의하던 중 WJP 의장인 William Hubbard가 심포지엄에서 한국의 반부패 정책 추진 경험을 발표해달라는 요청을 하여 한국의 반부패 정책을 소개하는 시간을 가졌습니다.






▲ WJP Inaugural Anti-Corruption Commissions Symposium 모습


사각형으로 배치된 테이블에 둘러 앉아 각국의 대표들이 이야기를 나누는 시간을 가졌습니다.


사진에서 왼쪽부터 WJP 사무국장 Juan Botero, 국민권익위원회 허재우 신고심사심의관, WJP 회장 William C. Hubbard, 튀니지 재정행정통제청 장관 Kamel Ayadi, 프랑스 윤리인증협회 회장 Philippe Montigny...



< 심포지엄 세부 일정 >


* World Justice Project 소개 (WJP 회장 William C. Hubbard)

* 2016 Rule of Law Index 결과 소개 (WJP 사무국장 Juan Botero)

* 심포지엄 일정 및 주제 안내 (튀니지 재정행정통제청 장관 Kamel Ayadi)


* 기조 연설 (프랑스 윤리인증협회 회장 Philippe Montigny)


* 주제토론 1: 반부패기구의 역할 및 효과성 (진행: 국제반부패의원연맹(GOPAC) 회장, 인도네시아 국민협의회 부의장 Fadli Zon)


* 주제토론 2: 반부패 분야 유관기관 및 이해관계자 간 협력.조정 (진행: 튀니지 재정행정통제청 장관 Kamel Ayadi)


* 폐회: 변화의 추구, 성공 가능성이 있는 스토리 (국민권익위원회 신고심사심의관 허재우)








▲ 주제토론 2를 진행하고 있는 튀니지 재정행정통제청 장관 Kamel Ayadi



튀니지와 국민권익위원회는 각별한 사이인데요.


국민권익위원회와 튀니지 부패방지위원회는 2012년 12월 한국-튀니지 정부간 정보화협력 MOU 체결을 통해 진행된 ‘국민신문고’ 시스템 구축을 계기로 반부패 정책에 대한 교류를 시작했고, 2016년 2월에는 MOU를 연장하는 등 교류를 지속해 오고 있습니다. 2016년 MOU 연장 때 카멜 아야디 장관이 그 업무를 했었죠.


(참고 기사 링크) 국민신문고의 우수성, 튀니지에 알리다 ▶ http://blog.daum.net/loveacrc/9222




폐회 '변화의 추구, 성공 가능성이 있는 스토리' 섹션에서 헤이그 특사(?) 국민권익위원회 허재우 신고심사심의관이 한국의 반부패 정책을 소개하였습니다. 


여러 국가에서 한국의 반부패 정책에 대한 관심이 상당했는데요.

WJP Inaugural Anti-Corruption Commissions Symposium에서 발표한 내용 영상과 스크립트 보시죠!





WJP Inaugural Anti-Corruption Commissions Symposium

10 July 2017, The Hague


Jaewoo Heo 

Director-General for Report Inspection of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission(ACRC)


○ 인사말씀


Let me thank Minister Kamel Ayadi, Chairman William Hubbard, and all the staff of the World Justice Project for inviting us to the Inaugural Anti-Corruption Commissions Symposium.


It is my great pleasure to join the distinguished delegates from around the world and speak at this meaningful event. 


Taking this opportunity, I would like to highlight some of the policy measures that the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, or ACRC, has implemented as Korea’s national anti-corruption body.



청렴도 측정(Integrity Assessment)


Let me begin with Integrity Assessment. Through Integrity Assessment, the ACRC assesses the integrity levels of each public organization every year, and announces the assessment results to the public. 


The integrity score is calculated based on a survey of people who experienced corruption-prone public services, as well as media, academia and civil society. 


Introduced in 2002, Integrity Assessment is conducted for about 700 public agencies every year, and around 250,000 people participated in the survey. 



○ 부패방지 시책평가(Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment)


Next, using the Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment, the Korean government has evaluated the relevance and effectiveness of anti-corruption measures of each public organization every year since 2002. 


Recently, the ACRC conducted a pilot project in partnership with UNDP and the government of Vietnam to help Vietnam to adopt this assessment program. 



○ 부패영향평가(Corruption Impact Assessment)


The Korean government has also conducted the Corruption Impact Assessment since 2006. It aims to identify and remove corruption-causing factors from the stage of drafting laws. 


Last year, we reviewed more than 1,800 laws and regulations and recommended the removal of corruption risks in 109 laws.



○ 공직자 대상 청렴교육


The ACRC is also providing anti-corruption training to public officials at the Anti-Corruption Training Institute and through its online courses.


Under the anti-corruption law amended last year, it has become mandatory for all public officials to take integrity training for at least two hours every year.



○ 신고자 보호&보상 제도


Now let me explain our measures to protect and reward whistleblowers.


The Korean government takes a range of protective measures for those who report corruption and public interest violations related to public health, safety, the environment, fair competition and consumer interests. Such measures include guarantee of confidentiality, physical protection, prohibition of disadvantageous measures, and financial rewards. 


Last year, the ACRC received more than 3,700 reports of corruption and over 2,600 reports of public interest violations. For the whistleblowers, we provide financial rewards of up to 3 million dollars. 



○ 청탁금지법 시행


Starting from September 28 last year, the Korean government has implemented the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act. 


Under the new anti-bribery Act, anyone who improperly solicits public officials will be punished even though they did not commit bribery. 


Public officials who accept money, gifts or hospitality are also subject to criminal punishment regardless of whether such benefits are given in connection with their official duties or in exchange for any favors. 


Companies will also face sanctions if their employees improperly solicit government officials or offer bribes. 


According to the recent survey, 85% of all respondents and 86.8% of business people supported the enactment and implementation of this Act.


We expect that the Act will significantly contribute to ensuring a higher level of integrity and public trust by reducing the customary practices of improper solicitation and graft.



○ 마무리 말씀


Let me conclude my presentation by sharing some of the recent positive developments in Korean society.


About two months have passed since the inauguration of Korea's new government. We believe that the main impetus for creating the new government is obviously Korean people's collective will to fight corruption.


Undergoing a series of political turmoil caused by the influence-peddling scandal and impeachment of the former President, Korean people are calling for fairness and transparency more strongly than ever. 


“The nation without corruption and malpractices” was also President Moon’s first priority in his election platform. 


As Korea’s national anti-corruption body, ACRC will continue to coordinate anti-corruption reforms in the public sector. We will organize the ministeria anti-corruption meeting chaired by the President, provide more effective protection for whistleblowers, and improve conflict of interest mechanisms.


We would appreciate your interest and support for Korea’s anti-corruption efforts. Thank you.



한국의 부패인식지수(CPI)를 올리기 위한 국민권익위원회의 노력은 앞으로도 쭈우욱~ 계속됩니다~!